If you want to save money on your gas and electric bills or just don’t want to turn on your heating right away, these tips will help you save money and get the most out of your heating. As a country, we waste a lot of energy on heating and not taking care of our radiators. These tips will help you keep your home warm without making your heating bills go through the roof.

Keep Your Radiators Clean
Radiators get dirty and dusty over time, which not only makes them look bad but can also make them work less well. It’s important to clean your radiator regularly by vacuuming in and around it and using long radiator brushes to get rid of all the dirt inside. The outside is also easy to clean. All you need is warm soapy water and a soft sponge. These steps will help your radiator heat up as it should and keep mould and dampness from growing on it.

Stop Draughts and Close Windows
During the winter, it’s important to keep your rooms as free of draughts as possible. Doors, chimneys, and even floorboards can let cold air in, so if you have places where cold air can get in, your radiator will have to work even harder to keep you warm. Invest in some good draught excluders, draught-proofing strips, or fillers to close the cracks where cold air can get in. This is one of the best and least expensive ways to save money and energy.

Check Your Boiler
If you want your gas bill to be as low as possible, you should take care of your boiler. You should have your boiler serviced once a year and replace it when it starts to lose efficiency. Contact Hi-Tech heating today to arrange a quote for a service or installation.

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