No one wants to waste money on heating bills this winter; however, knowing how best to operate your heating and hot water can help you to get there most from your system and avoid running up massive bills without sacrificing warmth.

Service Your Boiler

Have your boiler serviced and any repairs carried out to ensure it works as it should. You need to know your boiler’s condition before making any other changes. Failing to do so will render other activities useless, as an inefficient boiler will waste energy daily.

Set Your Timer

Set the timer on your heating to come on and off when you need it. For example, turn the heating on an hour before the first person gets up to take the chill from the house, then turn it off when everyone leaves. Do this again before the first person arrives home, and ensure it is only on when you need it.

Reduce Temperature Flow

Reducing the temperature of your heating and hot water can save you a lot of money over the year as the boiler doesn’t need to keep working at higher temperatures.

Turn Off Preheat Settings

Is your heating system constantly igniting to keep the water at a predetermined temperature? If so, this could be wasting your money. The reality is you do not need this to happen when no one is home. Changing the setting to allow this at certain times to control it manually will give you greater control and reduce unnecessary heating when not in use.

Contact us today to learn more about how a boiler service can increase heating and hot water efficiency.

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